Developer Tea

Developer Tea is a short podcast hosted by Jonathan Cutrell, co-founder of Spec and developer at Clearbit, to help developers find their ultimate purpose and excel at their work in order to positively impact the people around them.

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Developer Tea • Friday, March 4th 2016

This episode, in two parts, is an interview with Kenneth Reitz, Heroku Engineer, and Python product owner where he talks about his first user facing software SlashWear, Python requests, Heroku, and more.

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    Python SlashWear Python Requests
Developer Tea • Wednesday, March 2nd 2016

This episode, in two parts, is an interview with Kenneth Reitz, Heroku Engineer, and Python product owner where he talks about his first user facing software SlashWear, Python requests, Heroku, and more.

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    Python SlashWear Python Requests
Developer Tea • Friday, March 20th 2015

This episode, in two parts, is an interview with Richard Schneeman, Ruby developer and Heroku Engineer, where he talks about HipHop VM, Dogfooding, Heroku Buildpacks, and more.

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    Ruby Heroku buildpacks HipHop VM
Developer Tea • Wednesday, March 18th 2015

This episode, in two parts, is an interview with Richard Schneeman, Ruby developer and Heroku Engineer, where he talks about HipHop VM, Dogfooding, Heroku Buildpacks, and more.

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    Ruby Heroku buildpacks HipHop VM