Fog City Ruby August Meetup

123 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA
United States
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Aug 14 , 2018
6:30pm - 8:45pm PDT

Join us for our monthly gathering, hosted by Braintree (! We will feature one short and two longer talks, sandwiched with networking and food and drink. Bike parking is available at the venue—please bring your bikes with you up to Braintree's suite.

We are dedicated to a harassment-free experience for everyone. All attendees are expected to abide by the Fog City Ruby Code of Conduct (

We'll ask you to write your pronoun on your name tag. Want to learn more about why we do this? Read this guide from Bryn Mawr (

Submit a talk for a future meetup: Fog City Ruby CFP (

Speakers of all programming and speaking experience levels are welcome to submit talks, and we're especially excited to host speakers who come from populations that are underrepresented in tech.


6:30pm — Doors open, food, networking

7:00pm — TBA Lightning Talk

7:15pm — Zoe Madden-Wood: A Brief History of Cryptocurrency Hacks

Despite the touted safety and security of cryptocurrencies, there’s a long history of hacks. Stolen money doesn’t always result in a major gain for hackers, but it does rock investor confidence. In this talk, I’m covering just a few of the famous hacks to give a longer perspective on the landscape.

7:45pm — Soutaro Matsumoto: Ruby Programming with Static Type Checking

Ruby has always been a dynamically typed language, but Matz declared that Ruby 3 will have an optional static type checker. You might be wondering how Ruby programming will change when the language has types. In this talk, I will show the benefits and the costs of static type checking using my type checker called Steep.

8:15-8:45pm — More hanging out and talking to nice people


Zoe Madden-Wood has been a full-stack developer for 5 years and currently works at the consulting firm Carbon Five, where she codes everything from Rails apps in SOA to React Native mobile apps.

Soutaro Matsumoto is a Ruby developer who wants type checking so seriously that he wrote his PhD thesis about it. He is working on a type checker with the Ruby core team and is looking for any chance to talk about it with people.

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  • Ruby
  • Meetup